Wednesday, May 16, 2012
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Sunday, December 19, 2010
1st Winner of i-amtv Radio Hour
i-amtv Radio Hour X'mas Giveaway
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Pulp Summer Slam 10
The Apocalypse kicked off its yearly launch at Amoranto Stadium in Quezon City on April 17, 1 p.m. with more than 30 bands entertaining the crowd until 4 a.m. the following day. Featuring: LAMB OF GOD, TESTAMENT. Plus performances by just named a few BHELLIOM (Singapore), FIREFALLDOWN (UK), NO CREDIT (Australia), QUARTERED (Canada),
Saturday, February 6, 2010
VJ Search

Do you dream of becoming a presenter or a VJ?? Are you a chatterbox and love good indie music?? You might be the one we are looking for!
i-amtv is currently on the hunt for a new VJ. We are opening entries to anyone who is interested and has what it takes to be our next VJ for i-amtv’s indie music programmes. We are looking for a guy or gal who has a passion for indie music, someone who is fun, energetic, expressive and pleasant looking.
As long as you are aged 18 or older, feel free to email your details to Please don’t forget to include your full name, age, contact details, address, a brief write up and a photo of yourself. And if there is anything you’re not clear about or would like to know more, just drop us an email. Tell us why you deserve to be i-amtv's next VJ.
So, for those aspiring VJs out there, or you guys and gals who think you have it in you to be our new host... your first step starts here!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Indiependents Day 2

Last year, we took you to the Independents Day event in the Philippines. If you came across the article in our blog, you would’ve noticed the photo with Derek’s (band member of Escalator 7) i-amtv tattoo. (It was a real honour to know that we will always be close to his heart.) Getting back to the topic, due to the introduction of last year’s event, it was followed up with University of Philippines’ second Independents Day. Yup! Indiependents Day 2 was held on December 2009 in Malate, Manila. This time around the Red Carpet Bar was the venue of choice. And once again, i-amtv had the chance to cover the event.
The crowd were mainly friends and supporters of the bands that performed. Despite some minor flaws (which are usually expected for a gig), the crowd did what they were there to do. They cheered for their favourite bands and sang along to their favourite songs. Although the moshpit wasn’t big enough to injure yourself in, it was big enough to keep everyone entertained. The event was aimed to celebrate the indie music, and celebrate they did!
UP’s Indiependents Day 2 was organized to provide a platform for indie bands to showcase their talent and music, which did not go unnoticed by us and we quickly signed up many bands to join the i-amtv family. We would like to welcome aboard Farplane, Uniqa, Pineapple Crunch, Loch Ness, Kontrabida, Samaria, 1.2.X.U and Super Zero.
And what was welcoming was the presence of the ever friendly group Pentavia, whom i-amtv recently got them a show in Kuala Lumpur. The hospitality shown was one never to be forgotten. We were "well taken care of".

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
PentaviA, Live at Cee Jay's Place

Pentavia took everyone flying on their rocking journey at Cee Jay’s! What was an awaited event on the 11th of December 2009 turned out to be an amazing night for all. Pentavia got a hold of i-amtv and made their way here to KL for a gig in return for a FREE music video (of the live performance) by i-amtv.
Just a brief introduction: the 5-piece band consisting of Skin on drums, Andrei Agulto on bass, Ten "BusDriver" and Joks Reyes on guitars and Vlad Pullarca on vocals. Formerly known as Soultribe, this band from the Philippines describes their sound as ‘magic metal’. They just released their debut album ‘Mandirigma’ recently, which features 9 original tracks.
The crowd was trickling in as the band set up on stage at Ceejay’s. There were also a few people from the Malaysian local music industry that came to show their support for the band and i-amtv, namely Love Me Butch, Maddame... and friends from Laguna Records.
“Highly amplified guitars and gut busting bass licks blend with the drums while the vocals belted out in a manner far imagined.” That was how their music was described on their blog, and that was the exact depiction of how the music sounded that night. Pentavia held nothing back as they played to their popular songs, Invasion, Busdriver, Rekta Kontrabida and Demons and Angels, just to name a few. The band took the stage with blistering guitar solos and strong vocals while the crowd was going wild on the floor. In bursts of lights and blasts of loud music, the one hour gig ended leaving some tired (after all that head banging action) and many as satisfied music lovers. We left with our thirst for some heavy energetic good music quenched, all thanks to Pentavia!
Not only was Pentavia interviewed on i-amtv, but when the organizers of “The Weekend Session” heard of their coming to Malaysia, i-amtv hooked them up and they had another interview session with them. This will be featured on their program so do check it out.
i-amtv would like to specially thank Chris for providing us with a great venue that night.
We wish Pentavia all the best and that their fan base grows steadily across the globe.You gotta check out their album. Please purchase it or you don't know what you're missing. With that, i-amtv leaves you with their new music video, courtesy of i-amtv. Enjoy!